

CARA MEMERIKSA KESALAHAN WRITING ATAU PAPER BERBAHASA INGGRIS DENGAN 5 APLIKASI TERBAIK Menulis artikel, essay dan paper dalam bahasa Inggris ? Tapi tidak tahu apakah kalimat ataupun ejaan yang digunakan sudah pas atau belum ? Bingung ingin minta bantuan cek artikel kalian dimana ? Terkadang, ada banyak sekali siswa, mahasiswa bahkan pekerja yang dituntut untuk bisa menulis laporan ataupun paper dalam bahasa inggris. Sedangkan pada kalangan tersebut sangatlah minim yang paham akan pembelajaran ataupun susunan tata bahasa dalam bahasa inggris sehingga sangat susah untuk bisa memeriksa kesalahan dalam tata bahasa, diksi, ataupun sintaksi yang digunakan dalam tulisan. Nah, ada 5 aplikasi terbaik yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk mengecek kesalahan pada artikel atau tulisan apapun yang kalian buat dalam bahasa inggris secara gratis dan berbayar nih! Berikut adalah 5 Aplikasi dan web  terbaik untuk mengecek tata bahasa, diksi, ejaan ataupun sintaksis yang kalian tulis di artikel atau ...

Bisnis dan Keluarga

Bisnis dan Keluarga ??? Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb Well, Hello everyone. Balik lagi nih di blog aku. Udah lama banget aku ngga nulis blog ini. Gimana nih kabarnya? baik-baik aja kan? Well, kita sekarang lagi ditempa bencana yang cukup membuat khawatir. Ditambah lagi sangat banyak dampak-dampak dari bencana ini. Semua kalangan tanpa terkecuali dari seluruh negara di dunia sedang berusaha untuk tetap melawan serangan bencana ini. Bahkan pemerintah pun melakukan banyak upaya dan membuat peraturan untuk menjauhkan kita dari dampak bencana ini. So, tetep patuhi semua anjuran dari pemerintah ya demi kebaikan kita semua. Okay, di blog kali ini aku lagi pengen ngebahas tentang kata-kata dari Bob Sadino nih. Kata-kata beliau sangat lah memotivasi para wirausaha muda seperti kita-kita. Jadi apakah kata-kata itu???? "Jadikanlah keluarga sebagai motivator dan supporter pada saat baru memulai menjalankan bisnis maupun ketika bisnis semakin meguras waktu dan tenaga." Bob ...
100 Wish List Hope, i can reach all of them


   Smartphone is a mobile phone. It has sophisticated technologies whose functions are like a personal computer, because Smartphone basically is a small computer. Moreover, Smartphone has camera with LED-flash, touch screen, flash light, GPS and mobile data (quota) facility. That is why it is very helpful for everyone. Nowadays, people need speed, quality and effectiveness. Smartphone has those features and it is small enough to carry in the pocket.     Smartphone has several important usages. As mobile phone, Smartphone is a device that can make or receive telephone call and text messages for communication with others. Also, we can save our files, pictures, audios, videos etc. Furthermore, Smartphone has other functions. We can connect it with internet connection via Wi-Fi or SIM card as long as it has signal. There are many advantages from internet connections, such as looking for information from website and accessing interesting applications for comm...

English Village

   English village is a place where many people come here for studying English. Why? Because there are more than 150 English courses, some of which have different programs and teaching methods. For example, one of the courses only focuses on speaking skill and has fun teaching method, but there is a course that just focuses on TOEFL preparation. Moreover, there was something that made me excited to study here. It was an English area. Most of students had to speak English to the others, except people who could not speak English. If we did not speak English, we would get punishment from our tutors. In some courses, we not only studied about English but also had to have other skill, such as playing music, singing, dancing, guiding, and teaching. It made us not feel bored, even though we studied for a long time.   After studying, I usually gathered with my friends in a food stall to take a rest, talk, or do homework. I like hanging out in the food stall, because the p...

My New Cousins

This year, Allah gives my family something special. We got two new family members, two cute babies. They are my new cousins. Both of them are boy.      My first new cousin's name is Ilzamni Hasbi Mahbuby. We call him Ilzam. He was born on 22nd of October 2018. He is really cute. I always look after Ilzam when i have free time. Also, when my aunt has to do her housework, she entrusts Ilzam in my home. It is really fun for me to keep my cousin because he is really droll. I often feel that i want to bite him 😰😁.        My second new cousin was born on 30th of December 2018 at 11.50 p.m. So, my uncle has not decided his new baby's name. Today, we have just made an agenda for the new baby. In my family, i am the oldest grandchild. I do not realize that i am the oldest before it. Totally, i have 7 younger cousins. Well, those are my story. See you on the next post. Thank you....

My Dream City

Mecca     Mecca is the major city of Saudi Arabia. Here, there is a holy mosque called Masjidil Haram with Ka'bah inside of it. It is a holy place of Moslem. Ka'bah is used as a benchmark towards the qiblah for Moslem throughout the world pray. not only Masjidil Haram but also all parts of this city are holy place of Moslem and the birthplace of our prophet Muhammad SAW. This city is a city where i want to visit the most. I imagine how beautiful Masjidil Haram is. I am sure that all moslems want to go there someday. I and my family will be very lucky if we can go there someday. It is my dream country. I think Mecca is the most amazing city ever. I want to pray there, pilgrim or umrah because it is our obligation as a moslem to do that. Although, it is just for people who are able to go. I also want to visit some historical places of islam there such as our prophet's cemetery, hira cave and others. Now, i just can read or listen to my friend's or other people...