How to Make a Delicious Sandwich

How to make a delicious sandwich

 Sandwich is a kind of healthy food. It contains bread, vegetables and meat. So, It helps us to have good nutrition for our body. To make a delicious sandwich is easy and doesn't take much time. The main steps of making a delicious sandwich are preparing the proper ingredients and tools, cooking the certain ingredients and platting.
   The first step is preparing the proper ingredients and tools. You should find the sandwich ingredients in the mini market or supermarket near your house. The ingredients are bread, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, egg, and smoked beef. Then, you should prepare the tools, such as frying pan, knife, and spatula. Make sure you have already got those ingredients and tools. Also, you have had the additional ingredients like cooking oil, sauce and salt.
   The next step is cooking the certain ingredients. The first ingredient which you can cook is egg. You can fry the egg sunny- side up, over easy or even over well, but I suggest you to fry it over well because it will be arranged with other ingredients. Then, grill the smoke beef on a frying pan without a cooking oil. While waiting for those, you can slice the other ingredients, such as tomato, cucumber, and lettuce to make it slighter. you can also cut the bread edge, because we do not use it when we make a sandwich.
     The last step is platting time.In this step , you start to place all the ingredients in one place. You can begin to set up a slice of bread on your plate. Then, Place the lettuce, tomato, smoked beef, egg, cucumber, also mayonise and sauce in the middle of it.  After that, Set a slice of bread again but don't forget to cut the composition of sandwich which has been arranged into 2 parts to form triangle. It will make your sandwich look consuming. Then, stab your sandwich with a small stick to make it not easily demaged.Tadaaaaa finally, the sandwich is ready to serve.
     In brief, There are 3 steps that you have to do to make a delicious sandwich. Those are preparing the ingredients and tools, cooking the ingredients and platting. If you want to make it more tasteful, you can add some slices of cheese in it or you can put the ingredients twice to make it thicker and more yummy.


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